Why Papua New Guinea?

multitude of
With more than 1 million Bibles being distributed nationwide at the government’s request, now is a unique moment to advance the Great Commission in every “uttermost part” of Papua New Guinea. The door is wide open to reach every village.
abundance of
The renowned Sepik River is a “highway” through the center of the remote East Sepik Province, a least reached region of the country. Over 500,000 people live in over 90,000 households. What will it take to reach this region?

provision of
National evangelists like Brother Calistus, the fruit of past missionary work, are trained and ready to preach the gospel, plant churches, and train new leaders in regions where they live and beyond. Partnership encourages and expands their vision and impact.
2024 PNG Focus
December - June
Ministering in the highlands, partnering with national churches and preachers, seeking to encourage gospel advance. Living on Muschu Island, evangelizing and making connections for disciple making and church planting
Returning to Muschu island for a month to take advantage of the open door of ministry.
*Note: God has momentarily closed the door for us to return at this time due to visa issues. Please uphold us in prayer that we can get the proper visas to continue what God has already begun. We plan to return in the summer of 2025.
Join Us
Gospel advance involves perseverance in spiritual battle. Satan will never give in without a fight. Our greatest need is a committed team of intercessors. Would you join us as strategic prayer partners? We will equip you to pray individually; but our greatest desire is for small teams who meet regularly to pray together on our behalf. To let us know you’re on our prayer team, to receive regular updates to guide your prayers, to find out more about prayer, click below. We also have been encouraged by our 300+ prayer partners who joined us on WhatsApp for our previous 6-month journey to PNG. We have continued to post prayer requests and live updates on our GoMission Prayer Stream on WhatsApp. To join us there, please send an email with your interest and phone number to marksr@gomission.org.
Expenses are significant for ministry in PNG, often 2 or 3 times more than for similar work in parts of Africa or Asia. God has been faithful to supply ALL of the needs of our 6 month trip. This is a great testimony to the Lord's provision and faithfulness. We are trusting Him to continue to supply our financial needs for upcoming worldwide gospel endeavors, including PNG and beyond. Would you consider partnering with us financially? You may give directly through our church's online giving platform called RebelGive. Clicking below will take you directly to our GoMission Trips fund.