What We Believe about Missions
We believe the gospel is the greatest news anyone could ever hear and that it holds the power to transform lives, families, villages, and entire regions.
We believe that the biblical examples of Christ and Paul provide the patterns and strategies that fulfill the Great Commission. See Jesus’ Pattern of Relational Multiplication below.

We believe that God is completing the Great Commission in our day and that we can join Him as we encounter prepared listeners and prepared leaders who will reproduce and multiply and reach entire regions.
We believe that the obedience of ordinary believers equipped by the gifting of ordained leaders holds the key to regional advance. Train everyone to reach and train the next one.
We believe that prayer and the leadership of the Spirit is essential to gospel advance and that victory must be won in spiritual warfare.
We believe that God uses suffering and opposition to refine His servants, advance His gospel, and ultimately display His glory and power. We seek a spirit of praise, prayer, and perseverance in everything at all times.
We believe that multiplication is profoundly more than an effective process or strategy. It is the fruit of a Spirit-empowered life of divine love displayed in the daily life and witness of God’s servants.